Indian Navy confirmed first tested positive cases of Covid-19

Defence forces are the front line fighter to control the pandemic corona virus almost of all the countries.Alongside Doctors,Pharmacists,Nurses,Defensive forces are active to maintain the lock down situation strictly.They also help the people according to their demands.

Indian Navy are also working according to government guidelines. But, they are also human being.As they are human being ,they also have under the risk of pandemic corona virus.There is happened such type of incident.

Indian Defence officials have confirmed that corona virus outbreak in the key base of Navy in the western city of Mumbai.They said that 21 personnel have tested positive for corona virus pandemic.They said that they also tested the personnel who are come in contact with these positive personnel.

All 21 personnel live in the same residential block, which has been declared as isolated zone and placed under lockdown.They has been working as a active fighter against corona virus pandemic.

I need to mention that,In India there are 16,365 active cases for covid-19 pandemic.There are also  number of death cases in there.521 number of lives had lost their life.They have 2987 closed cases for corona virus pandemic in which 2466 recovered cases and 521 death cases have seen.

The ratio of recovered and death in India in 83 percent and 17 percent.They are also working hard to control the spread of Covid-19. They also have undergo lock down to minimise the spread of this virus.