Bollywood actress Zoa Morani getting corona positive in last week. Zoa Morani daughter’s of Bollywood producer Karim Morani get discharged from hospital after tested negative to covid-19.
Actress Zoa Morani who battled with COVID-19 and admitted to a Mumbai hospital has completely recovered now and back to her home. She shared her experience of the hospital after testing positive for the novel coronavirus, Zoa’s symptoms and the way the medical staff and the municipal authorities took extra care to make the patients comfortable.
Zoa Marani told that, “I am extremely grateful to the doctors, nurses and hospital staff who took care of my health and my spirits every day. You will be in my prayers forever. No words can describe how it feels to be home. I’m so grateful, God is great,”
She also thanks to the responsible doctors and nurses and depicted “No words can describe how it feels to be home.”
Zoa’s father producer Karim Morani and Zoa’s sister Shaza also tested positive for the novel coronavirus and were admitted to the hospital. They both have also been discharged now.